Comenzado elmiércoles, 2 de mayo de 2018, 02:43
Finalizado enmiércoles, 2 de mayo de 2018, 02:50
Tiempo empleado6 minutos 53 segundos
Calificación10 de un total de 10 (100%)

Pregunta 1

Puntúa 32 sobre 32
Marcar con bandera la pregunta

Texto de la pregunta

Complete the following text with possessive adjectives, colors and vocabulary you studied during the module. Use the words in the box.
Completa el siguiente texto con adjetivos posesivos, colores y vocabulario que estudiaste durante el módulo. Usa las palabras de la caja.

Grandfather    dark     family    sweater    She’s   my   father        jacket            It’s       coat       t-shirt            shirt                  chair                He’s           hand         my            skirt        jeans      he’s     mother                 
dress          her,            blue       coat                    
Beautiful             sister                       old               His     White      
year            boots      she’s  

There is a photo of my fCorrecta
. I’m in the center, between my fCorrecta and my mother. I’m wearing a red tCorrecta  with a big white 75 number on it, blue jCorrecta  and white and red trainers. I’m wearing a baseball cap too. It’s red, blue and white. My father is on my right side and hCorrecta  wearing a light blue sCorrecta , red trousers and dCorrecta  blue shoes. He has a golden watch on his right hCorrecta . Next to him there is Correcta  grandma. SCorrecta  wearing a brown wool jCorrecta , a white sweater and a long brown sCorrecta  with black shoes. My gCorrecta  is next to her, sitting on a chair. He’s tired because he has been walking for a long time, looking for wood for the fireplace. HCorrecta  wearing a dark red sCorrecta , black trousers, a dark green cCorrecta  and dark brown field boots. Under the cCorrecta , Bobby, my dog is sleeping. ICorrecta  brown and black with long hair and a long tail.

On my left side there is my mCorrecta
, smiling as always. SCorrecta  so bCorrecta , and is wearing a green dress with black heels and black handbag. In hCorrecta  arms, my one year old sCorrecta  s sleeping. She’s wearing a wCorrecta  dress and red socks. She has thrown away her shoes. They are on the floor, under my mother.
My uncle is next to my mother, he’s hCorrecta
 brother. He’s wearing bCorrecta  jeans, an orange sweater, and a blue cCorrecta HCorrecta  wife, my aunt, is at his side, wearing a red sweater with a black belt on her hip with black leggings and black bCorrecta . She’s beautiful, too. She’s holding hands with my little cousin, Marie, who is only 3 yCorrecta  oCorrecta  and is wearing a blue and yellow dCorrecta , with a yellow raincoat and yellow rain boots.
Behind all of us, there is the table, with dinner waiting for us, and the fireplace with the warm fire. The entire house is decorated because it’s New Year’s Eve.
My family photo. Recuperado el 6 de mayo de 2015 de
