El facilitador será quien modere y evalúe este foro, que inicia con la pregunta detonadora:
What are your goals and plans for your future?
Participa de la siguiente manera:
1. Comparte 5 metas que tengas, ya sea a corto, mediano o largo plazo y los pasos que tienes en mente para lograrlas.
2. Utiliza correctamente las estructuras gramaticales para expresar el futuro: will, going to, present progressive. Tus planes pueden ser del ámbito personal, profesional, familiar, económico, etc.
3. Revisa y comenta los planes de, por lo menos, dos de tus compañeros. Haz preguntas sobre sus objetivos y contesta las preguntas que te hagan sobre los tuyos.
My answer:
What are your goals and plans for your future?
What are your goals and plans for your future?
CLASS FORUM: GOALS 1.- One of my goals is to open a stationery store in two months, I am already saving to buy the copier and printer, basic school supplies and start the sale.
2.- I want to finish my module 7 with a high grade and that will be achieved by studying and consulting the extensive content and a lot of discipline.
3.- I will visit some museums and exhibitions that are currently being exhibited in my city. I will check the days of visit and schedules.
4.- I will pay more attention to my child's tasks, since I have neglected her a little in that aspect. I will put a discipline to devote the necessary time to do the task with her.
5.- And my biggest goal is to finish my high school online, I will achieve it with perseverance and discipline.
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